国連水の日・氷河の日記念 公式サイドイベント(ウェビナー)  「地域的解決策に向けて:ヒンドゥー・クシュ・ヒマラヤにおける氷河融解、水問題と科学外交」

“Towards Regional Solutions: Glacial Melt, Water Challenges, and Science Diplomacy in the Hindu Kush Himalayas”

日時:3月21日 18:30~20:00(日本時間)
参加登録(無料): https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_U7p3VT7yTFC2uPM-jxLmfg



Program (90 minutes)

Webinar Introduction:
Ms. Yumiko Asayama, Chief Manager, APWF Secretariat c/o Japan Water Forum
Opening Remarks
Dr. Shahbaz Khan, APWF Vice Governing Council Chair c/o Director of the UNESCO Office in Beijing and UNESCO Representative to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia, People’s Republic of China, and the Republic of Korea
Keynote Presentation (10 mins)
Dr. Qianggong Zhang, Strategic Group Lead, ICIMOD
Panel Discussion (Including Q&A) ( 60 mins)
・ Ms. Bushra Nishat, Environmental Specialist, Bangladesh – World Bank
・ Dr. Anamika Barua, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India
・ Prof. A. P. Dimri, Director, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism
・ Dr. Muhammad Arif Goheer, Executive Director, Global Climate-Change Impact Studies Centre (GCISC), Pakistan
・ Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Chief of Disaster Risk Reduction, ESCAP
Engage with the audience to gather diverse perspectives and refine recommendations (15 Mins)
Dr. Faisal M. Qamer, Intervention Manager, Resilient River Basins, ICIMOD
Closing Remarks:
Dr. Shahbaz Khan

IYGP 2025 Task Force(s):

TF-2: International Conference on Glaciers’ Preservation, Regional Workshops and Capacity Building
