2023.9.28 ReportJWF WebinarTransmitting Japanese Knowhow to the World The outcomes of the 1st JWF Webinar 2023
2023.9.1 InfomationJWF WebinarTransmitting Japanese Knowhow to the World (Register Now!) The 1st JWF Webinar 2023
2022.1.11 InfomationJWF Webinar Join us! The 6th JWF Webinar about Sewage and Water Environment Improvement
2021.11.15 InfomationJWF Webinar Join us! The 5th JWF Webinar about Regional Inclusive Public-Private Collaboration for Water Conservation
2021.9.13 InfomationJWF Webinar Join us! The 4th JWF Webinar about continuous efforts for stable water supply in Yokohama
2021.7.19 InfomationJWF Webinar Join us!The 3rd JWF webinar about Japan’s experience in on-site wastewater management.
2021.6.11 InfomationJWF Webinar Join us! The 2nd JWF webinar about Long-term Investment in Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction
2021.5.17 InfomationJWF WebinarTransmitting Japanese Knowhow to the World The 1st JWF Webinar: Water in Japan the lessons learned from failure in the history