2021.12.14 InfomationAsia-Pacific Water Summit Applications for hosting the 4th APWS official side event (public seminar and symposium) and related event are now open
2021.11.15 InfomationJWF Webinar Join us! The 5th JWF Webinar about Regional Inclusive Public-Private Collaboration for Water Conservation
2021.9.13 InfomationJWF Webinar Join us! The 4th JWF Webinar about continuous efforts for stable water supply in Yokohama
2021.8.18 InfomationAsia-Pacific Water Forum JWF co-organizes 4 sessions in the Stockholm World Water Week 2021 Online, 23-27 August 2021
2021.7.19 InfomationJWF Webinar Join us!The 3rd JWF webinar about Japan’s experience in on-site wastewater management.
2021.6.15 InfomationAsia-Pacific Water Forum Join us! 11th APWF webinar about Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible.
2021.6.11 InfomationJWF Webinar Join us! The 2nd JWF webinar about Long-term Investment in Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction
2021.5.17 InfomationJWF WebinarTransmitting Japanese Knowhow to the World The 1st JWF Webinar: Water in Japan the lessons learned from failure in the history
2021.4.1 InfomationKyoto World Water Grand Prize Kyoto World Water Grand Prize 2022: Calling for applications!
2020.12.24 InfomationAsia-Pacific Water Forum Asian Water Development Outlook 2020: Advancing Water Security across Asia and the Pacific
2020.11.11 InfomationDarvish Yu Water Fund Darvish Yu Water Fund: the 14th Project, “Improving Water Supply and Hygiene in COVID-19 Affected Communities in Pakistan” is now underway!
2020.8.19 InfomationNoWNET (Northern Water Network) NoWNET organizes a webinar in the WWWeek At Home on 27th August!