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16th Meeting of the Committee for Basic Policy of the Water Security Council of Japan (WSCJ)

On December 12, the 16th meeting of the Committee for Basic Policy of the WSCJ was held in a special conference room in the building for House of Councilors of the Japanese Diet.

The Committee for Basic Policy, comprised of members of the governing council of the WSCJ, is considering how to manage watersheds from a 21st century perspective. For the first time since the Committee´s foundation on January 30, 2009, its meeting was held in the Upper House members’ building and attracted various stakeholders in public-private sectors of Team Water Japan, including a record number of 12 Diet members.

At the 15th meeting in February, 2017, participants affirmed that, as a future action policy they would strive to realize the solutions stipulated in the 2012 recommendation, Towards a Low-Carbon Sustainable Water and Material-Circulating Society. Based on this, at the 16th meeting diverse proposals were discussed and presented, including ways of implementing solutions described in the 2012 recommendation, hydro-energy in the low-carbon society, sustainability of water supply and sewerage services, and inter-agency approaches.

The Japan Water forum will continue to develop policy recommendation activities towards the implementation of various measures for the resolution of water issues at home and abroad through its activities as secretariat of the Water Security Council of Japan.



〇Outlines of the meeting

Event title 16th Meeting of the Committee for Basic Policy of the Water Security Council of Japan (WSCJ)
Date / Time

Tuesday, 12 December, 2018, at 10:00 to 13:00 (Door open: 9:30)

Venue Special Conference Room, Members’ Office Building of the House of Councilors, Tokyo

96 people (National Diet members: 12 people, Governing Council members: 22 people, Action team members: 4 people, Ministry officials: 11 people, and Audience and others: 47 people)


(1) Opening remarks
Dr. Norihito TAMBO, Chair of the WSCJ’s Governing Council/ President of the River Center of Hokkaido/ Professor Emeritus from Hokkaido University

(2) Remarks from National Diet members

2.Hydro energy in decarbonized society
(1) Suggestion on Energy Utilization of Existing Dams
Presenter: Dr. Kotaro TAKEMURA, Chair of Japan Water Forum

(2) Hydro energy in decarbonized society and WSCJ
Presenter: Prof. Tadashi YAMADA, Chuo University

3.International conferences on Water
(1) The 11th IWA (International Water Association) World Congress & Exhibition 2018
Presenter: Prof. Hiroaki FURUMAI, Graduate School of the University of Tokyo

(2) The 17th World Lake Conference
Presenter: Dr. Saburo MATSUI, Emeritus professor, Kyoto University

(3) The 3rd Asia-Pacific Water Summit: “Yangon Declaration: Pathway Forward” and Follow-up
Presenter: Ms. Sae ISHIHARA, Manager, Japan Water Forum

4.General discussion: first half
Moderator: Dr. TAMBO, Chair

–  Break –

5.Sustainability of water supply and sewage service
(1) Recognition of issues on sustainability of water supply and sewage service
Presenter: Mr. Kazunari YOSHIMURA, Representative of Global Water Japan

(2) Problem presentation on sustainability of water supply and sewage service
Presenter: Mr. Seisaku ENDO, Researcher, Institute of Public Policy Studies of Hokkaido University Public Policy School 

(3) Case study of Mizu Mirai Hiroshima Corporation (water supplier company of Public-private partnership)
Presenter: Mr. Koji MISHIMA, President, Chief Executive Officer of Mizu Mirai Hiroshima Corporation

(4) Current situation of water supply management and towards a sustainable water infrastructure system
Presenter: Mr. Yuya SATO, Associate professor, Comprehensive Research Organization of WASEDA University/ Senior Researcher,  Waseda Institute of Water Cycle System Research of  WASEDA University

(5) Wrap-up

6.General discussion: Second half
Moderator: Dr. TAMBO, Chair of WSCJ

Closing remarks


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Opening remarks from Dr. TAMBO, 
Chair of the WSCJ’s GC
 Remarks from a newly appointed GC member,   Mr. SATO
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 Remarks from a newly appointed GC member,Dr. MORISAWA

Suggestion on Energy Utilization of Existing Dams by Dr. TAKEMURA

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Problem presentation on sustainability of water supply and sewage service by Mr. ENDO Inside of the conference room
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Inside of the conference room Inside of the conference room


(Reported by Atsushi Noguchi, Manager)