This issue of JWF News is the special edition that covers the technologies and know-how that the 4th Asia-Pacific Water Summit sponsors offer.
【JWF News Vol. 209】16 February 2022
◇ Contents ◇
・Announcement of the sponsors of the 4th Asia-Pacific Water Summit
・Report from the Japan Water Forum
- Outcomes of the 6th JWF webinar
・Information about the 4th APWS
・Announcement of the sponsors of the 4th Asia-Pacific Water Summit
・Report from the Japan Water Forum
– Outcomes of the 6th JWF webinar
The 6th JWF webinar was held on Wednesday 19th of January and 118 participants from 14 countries including the Nigeria, Malaysia Philippines enjoyed it. Mr. OHKAMI Yohei, Director for Overseas Projects of Sewerage, Sewage International Affairs and Engineering Office, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism(MLIT) gave a lecture on the theme of Sewerage and Water Environment Improvement.
▼Please visit the following website for details▼
(Reported by Reiko Yoshii, Manager)
・Information about the 4th APWS
“4th Asia-Pacific Water Summit (4th APWS)”
Date: 23-24 April, 2022
Venue: Kumamoto Jo Hall (Kumamoto City, Japan)
Organizers: Kumamoto City of Japan and Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF)
Overarching Theme: Water for Sustainable Development -Best Practices and the Next Generation-

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JWF News Vol. 209 / 16 February 2022
Japan Water Forum
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