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【JWF News Vol.240】 19 June 2024  The Kyoto World Water Grand Prize 2024: Awarding ceremony held at the 10th World Water Forum

【JWF News Vol.240】19 June 2024

◇ Contents ◇
・Report of the 10th World Water Forum
– The Kyoto World Water Grand Prize 2024: Awarding ceremony held at the 10th World Water Forum
– Asia-Pacific Regional Process of the 10th World Water Forum Discussion outcomes
– 10th World Water Forum Thematic Process Session outcome report: T4 (Cooperation & Hydro diplomacy) 3C
– Asia-Pacific Region Northeast Asia Synthesis Session: “Youth Session: Promoting Intergenerational Initiatives for Achieving a Sound Water Cycle” (May 23, 2024) at the 10th World Water Forum
– Youth Session: “Inter-generational Water Dialog: The Future We Want 2024” at the Japan Pavilion, 10th World Water Forum

・Announcement from the Japan Water Forum
– Youth Water Forum 2024: We’re Now Accepting Video Submissions!
– JWF Fund 2024 is now open for applications!

Report of the 10th World Water Forum

– The Kyoto World Water Grand Prize 2024: Awarding ceremony held at the 10th World Water Forum

 In May 24th 2024, during the closing ceremony of the 10th World Water Forum, the Kyoto World Water Grand Prize 2024 was awarded to the Indonesian grassroots organization “Youth Sanitation Concern.” Out of 70 entries, this organization was selected for the grand prize and was awarded 2 million yen.

 YSC was highly praised for its efforts during the challenging COVID-19 pandemic, including the construction of public toilets to improve local infrastructure and a public awareness campaign to instill hygiene habits among local residents. Additionally, the fact that community members cooperated to properly manage the facilities after the project’s completion was also highly valued.

▼Please visit the following website for details▼

(Reported by Yuta Tsunemune, Manager)


– Asia-Pacific Regional Process of the 10th World Water Forum Discussion Outcomes

The Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF), in close collaboration with the Asia Water Council (Secretariat: K-Water) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), spearheaded the coordination of the Asia-Pacific Regional Process for the 10th World Water Forum.

This joint effort demonstrated a shared commitment to addressing water security issues. A comprehensive approach was adopted, which involved dividing the issues into five sub-regions and appointing dedicated sub-regional coordinators.

▼Please visit the following website for details▼

(Reported by Yumiko Asayama, Chief Manager, Japan Water Forum/ APWF Secretariat )


– 10th World Water Forum Thematic Process Session outcome report: T4 (Cooperation & Hydro diplomacy) 3C

This session presented the Handbook for the Local Implementation of the OECD Principles on Water Governance developed by the OECD Water Governance Initiative (WGI). The WGI co-developed the OECD Principles on Water Governance, which provide the 12 “must do’s” for governments to design and implement effective, efficient, and inclusive water policies in a shared responsibility across levels of government and stakeholders. The Handbook for the Local Implementation of the OECD Principles on Water Governance aims to further drive the implementation of the Principles at the subnational level (e.g., municipal, regional, and basin) by showing water governance practices and highlighting lessons learned for both national and subnational governments. This session gathered representatives from national and subnational governments, International Organizations, NGOs, research institutes, and the private sector to present the key challenges and lessons learned from the Handbook.

▼Please visit the following website for details▼

(Reported by Yumiko Asayama, Chief Manager)


– Asia-Pacific Region Northeast Asia Synthesis Session: “Youth Session: Promoting Intergenerational Initiatives for Achieving a Sound Water Cycle” (May 23, 2024) at the 10th World Water Forum

Japan Water Forum (JWF) organized a session titled “Youth Session: Promoting Intergenerational Initiatives for Achieving Sound Water Cycle” at the 10th World Water Forum on May 23, 2024, in collaboration with the Korea Water Forum and UNESCO Beijing.

This session aimed to address the significant challenges faced by the Asia-Pacific region, including climate change and the need to maintain a healthy water cycle. It highlighted the increasingly important role of young people in driving innovation and creating sustainable solutions for water management.

Speakers from Japan and abroad, totaling 14, presented community-based water-related activities and research led by youth. They discussed opportunities for intergenerational cooperation to support youth activities and explored joint programs by various youth groups.

▼Please visit the following website for details▼

(Reported by Koutoku Takeishi, Assistant Manager)


– Youth Session: “Inter-generational Water Dialog: The Future We Want 2024” at the Japan Pavilion, 10th World Water Forum

Japan Water Forum (JWF) organized a session titled “Inter-generational Water Dialog: The Future We Want 2024” at the Japan Pavilion of the 10th World Water Forum on May 21, 2024. This session aimed to showcase water-related initiatives led by Japanese youth and facilitate intergenerational dialogue with youth and adults from around the world.

Hokkaido Tomikawa High School and Fukuoka Institute of Technology Jyoto High School, which had submitted videos for the Youth Water Forum 2023, were represented by high school students from Japan. They presented their water-related initiatives in English to an international audience.

▼Please visit the following website for details▼

(Reported by Koutoku Takeishi, Assistant Manager)

Announcement from the Japan Water Forum

– Youth Water Forum 2024: We’re Now Accepting Video Submissions!

The Youth Water Forum began accepting video submissions on June 3rd, 2024!

Water-related issues have become increasingly prevalent worldwide due to recent climate change, resulting in devastating floods, heavy snowfall, and droughts. Water is a vital theme that intersects with the entire United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is intricately linked to the history of our communities.

Resolving water challenges requires collaborative efforts that span across generations. That’s why we are calling upon young citizens, the leaders of tomorrow, to create videos centered around the theme of water.

▼Please visit the following website for details▼

(Reported by Koutoku Takeishi, Assistant Manager)


– JWF Fund 2024 is now open for applications!

The Japan Water Forum is calling for applications for the JWF Fund 2024. Clean water, sanitation, and hygiene play a vital role in preventing infectious diseases, including COVID-19, so we will greatly appreciate any proposals for water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) projects, just as we did last year.

The Japan Water Forum Fund (JWF Fund) was founded in 2005 and is operated solely by JWF. The JWF Fund aims to contribute to the solution of local water-related issues in developing countries by assisting in the implementation of sustainable solutions led by grass-roots organizations.  Every year, the JWF publicly seeks out projects to assist and provides grants of up to USD1,500 per project, adopted through an assessment process. We value projects that utilize local resources, knowledge, and technologies, and include a sustainable operations and maintenance scheme. 

The application period is from 10:00 on 12th June to 18:00 on 17th July, 2024 (JST). Around five organizations will be selected. To apply for the fund, please read through the guidelines beforehand and use the official application form.

We hope that the JWF Fund will help solve water-related issues at the grass-roots level. We look forward to receiving your applications!

▼Please visit the following website for details▼

(Reported by Takejiro Suzuki, Project Manager)

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JWF News Vol. 240 / 19 June 2024
Japan Water Forum
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