Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation

AQUA PROGRAM 2023 Completed!

1.About AQUA PROGRAM 2023

AQUA PROGRAM is a joint project between F.D.C. Products Inc., jewelry brand 4℃, and the Japan Water Forum.  Its aim is to empower people in developing countries and bring them beauty and inspiration by resolving the serious water problems they face.

Since the program’s establishment in 2008, several projects have been carried out in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and the Republic of Kiribati. Since 2017, we have been working with a rural coastal community in Bangladesh.

In the 2023 project, AMAMIZU rainwater harvesting tanks were installed in 40 households and training in operations and maintenance  were carried out.


AQUA PROGRAM contributes to these SDGs:

2.Details of AQUA PROGRAM 2023

1)Project title


2)Project site

Ward No. 4, Uttar Sutalori Village of Baraikhali Union under Morrelganj Upzia of Bagerhat,Khulna Division, Bangladesh

Location of Khulna Division

Created by Mapchart


40 households, 164 people

4)Project period

October 2023 to August 2024

5)Local partner

Skywater Bangladesh Ltd.(SBL)


The project site is an underprivileged and marginalized village. The residents are dependent on unsafe wells and ponds, or they must purchase water for drinking and domestic use.

Fetching water is a daily burden especially for women, and the cost of buying water puts stress on household budgets. Despite insufficient income, households have no choice but to purchase water to meet their needs during the dry season. They must also spend money on medical supplies and treatments for water-borne diseases such as diarrhea.

7)Main activities

・ Baseline survey / Preparation of social map

・ Installation of AMAMIZU rainwater-harvesting tanks (two tanks in each location), and pipes for 40 households

・ Operations and maintenance training for beneficiaries

・ Experience-sharing workshop involving former project beneficiaries

・ Follow-up visit to each household

・ Water quality testing

8)Cyclone Remal damage repairs and delay of the project

On 26 May, 2024, just before the start of operations and maintenance training for our project, the devastating Cyclone Remal struck the coastal parts of Bangladesh. It caused widespread destruction, including approximately 1.5 lakh (150,000) homes, affecting millions of lives and leading to significant economic and infrastructural damage.

The Aqua Program was significantly affected by the cyclone. It was impossible to continue work or access the beneficiary households for more than two weeks due to floodwaters and heavily damaged roads.  As the situation improved, the SBL team found that 17 of the 40 beneficiary households had been partly or heavily damaged. The SBL team took on the challenge of repairing and renovating the damaged homes with full dedication. By 15 June their all-out efforts resulted in the successful renovation of all 17 households. The O & M training events were held on 24 and 25 June, delayed more than four weeks from the original plan.

9)Potential impacts

・ Residents, especially women and children, will be released from the daily burden of fetching water.

・ 40 households will have access to safe drinking water throughout the year.

・ Both the costs of purchasing water and the incidence of water-borne disease can be reduced.

3.AQUA PROGRAM 2023 Photo Album

Preparation of social map
Baseline survey interview
Construction of AMAMIZU
AMAMIZU installation
Cyclone and flood damaged AMAMIZU systems
AMAMIZU displaced by the cyclone and flooding
Practical session on how to clean AMAMIZU
Follow-up visit to a beneficiary household

4.AQUA PROGRAM 2023,  Voice of a Beneficiary

Mossamat ​​(Mst.) Asma Begum lives with her husband, Mohammad (Md.) Kawsar Hawlader, and their three children in Morrelgonj.  Kawsar works as a day laborer and occasionally drives a van (pedal carriage tricycle) to support the family. Despite their hard work, they were struggling to access clean drinking water, forcing Asma and her son to walk over a kilometer every day to fetch water.

Asma shares her story:

We learned about the 4°C Aqua Program a few years ago, but our financial difficulties prevented us from applying for the AMAMIZU tank. The water we fetched was dirty, often making our children sick. The time spent fetching water took away from my son’s studies and my household duties. It was a challenging situation, but I couldn’t see a way out.

In late 2022, an unfortunate mishap occurred that reinforced Asma’s determination. One day, while fetching water, she slipped and fell, injuring herself severely. She couldn’t walk properly for several months. Her son also suffered minor injuries on two separate occasions the following year while fetching water. These accidents made it clear that they needed a safer and more reliable water source. The family considered the plastic tanks provided by the government but found them lacking. “The plastic tanks were prone to cracking and did not keep the water clean or cold during the hot summer days. We needed something durable and effective, and that’s why we chose the AMAMIZU system,” Asma explains.

In late 2023, during a household survey by the Skywater Bangladesh (SBL) team, Asma decided to apply for an AMAMIZU tank despite the family’s financial hardships. Within a few months, their application was approved, and the rainwater harvesting system was installed.

 Asma reflects:

The changes were immediate and dramatic. Before, my son and I spent hours fetching water, and we were always worried about falling ill from contamination. Now, we have clean water at home. My children are healthier, and they have more time for their studies. My son no longer misses school to fetch water, and I can manage the household more efficiently. Within just a month or two, our health improved significantly. My heartfelt thanks go out to Skywater Bangladesh and its Japanese collaborators for this assistance. The AMAMIZU tank has lifted a huge burden off our shoulders. Our lives have changed for the better in ways I couldn’t have imagined.

5.Our appreciation

AQUA PROGRAM 2023 was implemented during the crisis caused by Cyclone Remal.  Every year our team receives cooperation and support from F.D.C. Products Inc., jewelry brand 4°C Yondoshi Holdings Inc., the beneficiary households, local communities, and local partner Skywater Bangladesh Ltd. (SBL), but this year was truly exceptional. With all our powers combined, AQUA PROGRAM 2023 has been completed and we would like to express our deepest gratitude to those involved in the project.

(Reported by Takejiro Suzuki, project manager)

Sadly, Mr. M. Wahid Ulah, who served for many years as managing director of our local partner organization, Skywater Bangladesh, passed away in February of this year. We would like to express our deep sorrow and offer sincere condolences to his family.


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