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JWF Communication Lounge 2016 ~City Development and Water Problem~

On September 26th JWF Communication Lounge 2016 was held in the meeting room of the JWF offices. Its purpose is to explore the possibilities of Japan’s support for the solution of water problems in Southeast Asia, as well as to share knowledge and experiences.

The JWF communication Lounge provides a kind of platform for exchanging information and strengthening relationships among JWF members and its partners. We invite eminent guests from home and abroad so that we can  deepen our knowledge and expand our network.

This time, we welcomed Professor Zulkifli Yusop from the University of Technology of Malaysia. We discussed the possibility of cooperation between Malaysia and Japan.

In the first session, Professor Yusop made a presentation on the current status of water issues in rapidly-growing cities in East Asian countries, including Malaysia and Cambodia, as well as countermeasures against water problems. Following this, a Japanese expert involved in river and water resources management made a presentation on the water challenges Japan had experienced in the process of rapid urbanization and the history of our efforts to overcome these difficulties as well as concrete measures taken to ensure a sound water cycle.

In the second session, there was an exchange of questions and answers based on the presentations. Discussions centered on water issues caused by climate change, and the priority issues that Malaysia must deal with at present. The participants exchanged views on a wide range of water issues caused by rapid urbanization.

Through the JWF Communication Lounge, we were made aware that our past experiences and our efforts towards overcoming various problems regarding water supply and quality improvement would prove instructional to those fighting similar problems in Southeast Asia.

The JWF intends to contribute to the resolution of global water issues by transimitting Japanese Knowhow to the  world through the JWF Communication Lounge.

Time Agenda/Speaker
13:15 Opening
Opening Remarks
(5 min)
Shigenori Asai, Deputy Director, Japan Water Forum
Kazutoshi Kan, Vice Chair, Japan Water Forum
Honorary Professor, Shibaura Institute of Technology / Japan
Part 1
(70 min in total:
20 min each + 10 min)
1、Water management in Southeast Asian region: challenges and opportunities
Zulkifli Yusop, Professor, University of Technology Malaysia
2、Water Cycle Policy –Recent Activities in Japan-
Toshio Okazumi, Councilor, Secretariat of  Water Cycle Policy Headquarters, Cabinet Secretariat / Japan
3、An example of developing control techniques and water quality management at Lake Kasumigaura
Ikuo Tsushima, Chief Researcher, Public Works Research Institute/Japan
4、JWF’s activities to address water problems in the world,
Kunihiro Moriyasu, Director, Japan Water Forum
Break (10-15 min)
Part 2 Q & A
(30 min)
Q & A and discussion with the speakers and the audience
Part 3
(30 min)
 Networking among the participants
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JWF vice-president Kazutosi Kan delivering the opening address Lecture by professor Zulkifli Yusop
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The Q & A session Networking session


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