3rd Project: Well Project
Constructed well in O Anh Chanh village and members of well water users’ group |
1)Project site
Chochork, O Anh Chanh, Pour Kheun and Boeung village, Krakor District, Pursat Province, Cambodia
Cambodia | Pursat Province |
400 people in the 4 villages
3)Project period
May to December 2008
4)Local partner
A Chief Advisor of TSC2, Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology and an expert of irrigation technology
As there is no access to running water in the villages of Chochork, O Anh Chanh, Pour Kheun and Boeung, people have to fetch water from distant rivers and lakes. Though some people use water stored in irrigation channels and rice fields, domestic animals such as cows also use the water for drinking and bathing. Therefore these water sources are very unhygienic. During the dry season, the situation is particularly bad because of a short supply of water. Some people get illness due to the use of unhygienic water.
・Construction of two shallow wells in each village of Chochork, O Anh Chanh and Pour Kheun village
・Construction of three shallow wells in the Boeung village
・Establishment of a well-water users’ group consisting the local people using each shallow well
・Water quality tests
7)Potential Impact
・People of these 4 villages are able to access safe drinking water.
・Members of well water users’ group are able to operate and maintain the wells.
Before the project
An existing well broken | Women heading for fetching water |
During the project
Selection of a leader of the well water user group in the Pour Kheun village |
Water quality test |
After the project
a constructed well in the Chochork village | Collecting water from a well using bucket and rope |