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For the details of the documents, please contact to office[at]
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Asia-Pacific Water Forum

Asia-Pacific Regional Document of the 5th World Water Forum, Mar 2009  
English / Japanese

Call to G8 Leaders: Water Security Critical to Climate Change, Food Security, Sep 2008  
Health and Economic Growth: English

Message from Beppu, Dec 2007  
English / Japanese

APWF Policy Brief, Dec 2007  
English / Japanese

Asia-Pacific Regional Document of the 4th World Water Forum, Mar 2006
English / Japanese

Water Security Council of Japan

Urgent Recommendations to Japanese Society in the Wake of the Great East 
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, Apr 2011  
English / Japanese

Draft Recommendations to the Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee for Water Issues, May 2010

Water and disasters

Action Plan on Water and Disaster, Mar 2009   
English / Japanese

Urgent Appeal to the UN SG’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation, Dec 2004  
English / Japanese


For the details for the other documents, please contact to each publisher.

Message from the Special Symposium in Commemoration of the G8, Aug 2008  
Environment Ministers Meeing (Institute for Global Environmental Strategies: IGES)
English / Japanese

Hashimoto Action Plan, Mar 2006 (UN SG’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation)
English / Japanese

Recommendation  on Integrated Water Resources Management and Water Efficiency Plan, Dec 2004   
English / Japanese


10th World Water Forum Daily Bulletin “From Japan to Bali ” , 20-24 May 2024 

Nippon no Mizu Senryaku, Feb 2011

The Collection of Speeches by His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of Japan, Sep 2010

SHIZUKU, Jul 2008 
Youth World Water Summit Report Magazine

The Proceedings of the 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit, Jun 2008  
English / Japanese

A Study on Water Infrastructure Investment and its Contribution to Socioeconomic Development in Modern Japan, Dec 2005  
English / Japanese

Typhoon Isewan (Vera) and Its Lessons, Nov 2005  

Preliminary Investigation of the Disaster Damages in Sri Lanka caused by Indian Ocean Tsunami, Jan 2005  
English / Japanese

Final Report of the 3rd World Water Forum, Aug 2003
English / Japanese

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