Darvish Yu, a member of the San Diego Padres of Major League Baseball established the “Darvish Yu Water Fund” in collaboration with the Japan Water Forum in March 2007 to supply safe water to people who face lack and contamination of water in developing countries.
He contributes to the Fund by donating JPY 100,000 at every one of his winning games during the regular season. Total amount of contribution from Darvish Yu (179 winning in Japan and USA) and donation from individuals who agreed with the fund has reached over JPY 27,000,000 (As of 31th of March, 2024).
16th Project: Jhimirethok Water Supply and Sanitation Project photos

Project sites

Recent projects
14th: Improving Water Supply and Hygiene in COVID-19 Affected Mardan District Communities in Pakistan |
Country: Pakistan |
Activities: Replacement of 4 pressure and flow rate control valves, installation of 2 voltage regulators for pumps, construction of 2 public hand washing facilities, water quality tests, and organizing of 78 hygiene awareness-raising and education sessions. |
Beneficiaries: 12,144 |
Completed: May 2021 |
Local partner: Integrated Regional Support Program (IRSP) |
15th: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion at Gyanodaya Secondary School |
Country: Nepal |
Activities: Construction of intake facility, one reservoir tank and pipeline, installation of 2 tap stands, water connection to school latrines, water quality test, training and campaigning on WASH for school members and local residents, and maintenance training for a caretaker. |
Beneficiaries: 838 |
Completed: December 2022 |
Local partner: NEWAH (Nepal Water for Health) |
16th:Jhimirethok Water Supply and Sanitation Project |
Country: Nepal |
Activities: Construction of masonry intake, transmission pipeline, solar pump, repair of distribution pipelines, water taps, capacity building training for water users and the sanitation committee, operator training for operation and maintenance, and water quality test. |
Beneficiaries: 134 |
Completed: January 2024 |
Local partner: Water Center Twenty One Pahal(WC21P) |
Project selection
After receiving proposals from local partners working locally to solve water problems in developing countries, their project contents were carefully inspected in following evaluation items for the selection.
・Execution ability of local partners
・Urgency and necessity
・Commitment of stakeholders
(e.g. establishment of user committee, community supports, execution of hygiene education sessions)
(e.g. planning of tariff collection, operation and maintenance)
Support for Grassroots Activities
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