The Kyoto World Water Grand Prize (“the Grand Prize”) is the prestige international award that recognizes grass-roots organizations of developing countries for their outstanding accomplishment in solving water issues to encourage and seek future development of their activities. The Grand Prize was established in 2003 by the City of Kyoto and the World Water Council in commemoration of the 3rd World Water Forum held in Kyoto, Japan. Since then, the Grand Prize has been awarded at the time of the World Water Forum convened every three years. Since the 4th Grand Prize in 2015, Japan Water Forum has also been engaged as a co-organizer.
Laureates of the Past Prizes
1st Edition, 2006 Prize Winner: Gram Vikas (India)
2nd Edition, 2009 Prize Winner: Watershed Organization Trust (India)
3rd Edition, 2012 Prize Winner: Katosi Women Development Trust (Uganda)
4th Edition, 2015 Pirze Winner: Environment and Public Health Organization (Nepal)
Project Title; Support School for Improved Learning (SUSIL) Project See more
5th Edition, 2018 Prize Winner: Charité Chrétienne pour Personnes en Détresse (Togo)
6th Edition, 2022 Prize Winner: Pragati (India) See more
7th Edition, 2024 Prize Winner: Youth Sanitation Concern (Indonesia)
7th Edition, 2024 Prize Winner: Youth Sanitation Concern (Indonesia)
Awarding ceremony will be held at the 10th World Water Forum !
The 7th Kyoto World Water Grand Prize Awarding ceremony was held at the closing ceremony of the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia, in May 2024. To check the highlights of the award ceremony, please click here.
・Video of the Awarding Ceremony
The Japanese speech by Mr. Kazuhiro Sakurai, CEO of Asahi Shuzo from 6:00 to 8:30 in video can be translated into English by enabling the Youtube subtitle function.

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