日本水フォーラムは、インドネシア公共事業住宅省、Danone Ecosystemと防災・気候変動適応への投資について5つのセッションを開催します。皆様のご参加をお待ちしています。
Session 5E. Enhanced funding to cope with water crises, water disasters and for climate resilience
Japan Water Forum; Ministry of Public Works and Housing,Indonesia; Danone Ecosystem

▶T5E1 “Recovery funding to cope with water crises, water disasters and for climate resilience”
Monday 20, 16:40, BNDCC1 Kintamani 2
Countries with weak governance structures face various difficulties for quick and quality recovery in the aftermath of megadisasters. Sub-national governments specifically are on the frontline of disaster reconstruction planning and response, yet they are greatly overstretched because of a wide range of response and recovery activities. Speed is a crucial factor for rehabilitation, yet agencies often are slow to respond to disaster recovery efforts. This session will discuss financing mechanisms required for a more robust response to disasters and a faster path to recovery.
– Arvi Argyantoro, MPUH
– Joko Tri, BPDLH
– Zhang Cheng, International Conferences on Flood Management Secretariat
– Kenichi Tsukahara, Kyusyu University, Japan
– Geoffrey Wilson, ADB
– ZHANG Xiaolei
▶T5E2 “Multi-stakeholder approach for reducing disaster risks and embracing climate change adaptation”
Wednesday 22, 8:30 BNDCC2 Mengwi 7
Investing in water should not only be done by national governments. National governments, local governments, communities, and the private sector all have important roles to play in developing and financing water infrastructure. This session will discuss the roles and responsibilities of key organizations in securing sustainable financing, focusing on (i) the role of national and local governments, (ii) public-private partnerships, and (iii) local community involvement.
– Taikan OKI, The University of Tokyo;
“Water Minfra -Infrastructure of all, by all, and for all-“
– Oscar Casalderrey, KOPERNIK
– Anton Earle, ICLEI Africa
– Seongyeol Park, K-water
– Mikio Ishiwatari, Japan Water Forum
– Ratih Anggraeni, Danone Indonesia
▶T5CC1 “Evidence-based financing for crises, recovery, and resilience”
Wednesday 22, 14:50 BICC Nuantara 3
Based on the principles outlined in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR), the importance of pre-disaster investment in disaster risk reduction (DRR) has become increasingly highly recognized, but there are numerous challenges to its full-scale implementation. This session will convene panelists who will engage on this topic across subthemes, with an emphasis on framing the requirement for evidence-based financing for crises, recovery, resilience and DRR.
- Daisuke Komori, Tohoku University
- Riddhi Singh, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Takafumi Shinya, ICHARM
- Chien-Tat Low, China Water Risk
- Kozo Nagami, Tohoku University
▶Synthesis session 5E
Wednesday 22, 16:40, BNDCC2 Pecatu 3
The reports from four sessions cover innovative approaches and best practices for financing DRR and CCA in the water sector, including alternative financing mechanisms, public-private partnerships, blended financing, and green bonds. The session will discuss recommendations for mobilizing financing at various levels (national, regional, and international) and engaging diverse stakeholders.
- Taikan Oki, The University of Tokyo
“Climatic Risk Boundaries and Limits to Adaptation”
- Norio Saito, ADB
- Moderator, Jon Marco Church Independent Expert
- Daisuke Komori, Tohoku University
- Mikio Ishiwatari, Japan Water Forum
- Akiyoshi Kawasaki, The University of Tokyo
- Arvi Argyantoro, M.A., MPUH
▶CC13 “Mobilizing ‘wise’ investments to address water crises, water disasters and to improve climate resilience”
Friday 24, 10:20 BNDCC1 Kintamani 2
This session considers the role of risk assessment and integrated planning to identify vulnerabilities to water crises and disasters, and the development of approaches that consider the potential impacts of climate change on local water security.
– Akiyuki Kawasaki, University of Tokyo
– Frederick Pasquier, Director, Danone Ecosystem
– Toshio Okazumi, Token Consultant
– Fernando Sanchez, University of the Philippines Los Baños