Join us for the future of water

Youth Water Forum

Water is both a global issue and a local one, affecting every area of Japan.
If we are to resolve water challenges, cross-generational efforts are needed.

Therefore, we have launched a platform "Youth Water Forum",
in order to involve the young people of high-school age.
A sustainable future depends on how the younger generation deals
with water issues.

Your Videos!

  • Eligibility
    15 to 18
    years old
    (At the time
    of application)

  • Application

    Dec 6

Themes of the Video

You are free to choose from water-related events in your neighborhood, water-related research, international exchange activities, or water-related volunteer activities and traditional events.


Click here to see the flyer of Youth Water Forum 2024.


Videos for YWF2023

The submitted videos for Youth Water Forum 2023 can be viewed at the following URL
Youth Water Forum 2023 YouTube video playlist

Click here for a list of Youth Water Forum 2023 submitted videos (PDF)!

Videos for YWF2022

The submitted videos for Youth Water Forum 2022 can be viewed at the following URL
Youth Water Forum 2022 YouTube video playlist

Click here for a list of Youth Water Forum 2022 submitted videos (PDF)!

Videos for YWF2021

The submitted videos for Youth Water Forum 2021 can be viewed at the following URL
Youth Water Forum 2021 YouTube video playlist

Click here for a list of Youth Water Forum 2021 submitted videos (PDF)!

Everybody's Post

Entries will be posted on the YouTube channel
of the Youth Water Forum.
